Saturday 21 January 2017

Optik Journal Club Weizmann Forex

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Der Sprecher sollte bereit sein, interessante Fragen anzuregen, wenn sich keine Diskussion über sich selbst entwickelt. (Die Diskussion sollte einer der Hauptpunkte dieses Vereins sein.) 2) Das Thema des Vortrags wird vom Sprecher gewählt. Es sollte auf einem Papier aus einer angesehenen Zeitschrift über Physik sein. Es sollte nicht auf etwas sein, das der Sprecher gerade gerade arbeitet. Natürlich sollte es für Diskussionen geeignet sein. 3) Der Sprecher kann seinen Vortrag arrangieren. Die Sprache kann Englisch oder Deutsch sein. Man kann Tafel, Handzettel, Beamer, etc. verwenden. 4) Wir planen zwei Wochen im Voraus. So dass jeder Journal Club der Sprecher für den nächsten, aber einen Club gewählt wird. 5) Wenn du an der Reihe bist, solltest du mich mindestens eine Woche vor dem Zeitschriftenverein einreichen. Ich werde die Details online stellen und die E-Mail-Ankündigung machen. 6) Wenn Sie kämpfen, um ein geeignetes Papier zu finden - scrollen Sie auf dieser Seite. Die nächste Sitzung des Journal Club ist am Dienstag, den 2. Dezember 2014 um 14:00 Uhr im SR3OG. Jakob Neumayer in Bildern rund um die Welt Teil 1: Geologische Wunder der USA - Arches, Canyons, Waves und Hoodoos, Abstract Folgen Sie mir in die Sandstein Wüste von Utah, Arizona und Nevada, wo wir finden Relikte der Landschaft auf unserer Erde Millionen von Jahren. Unsere Reise beginnt in der Hauptstadt des Mormon Culture Salt Lake City und führt uns zu den schönsten Nationalparks der westlichen USA. Wir finden wunderschöne Natursteinbögen im Arches Nationalpark, tief geschnitzte Schluchten im Canyonlands Nationalpark, die beeindruckenden Steinpfeiler (Hoodoos) des Bryce Canyons, die unschlagbare Schönheit eines der geschützten Wahrzeichen der USA - The Wave Und viele andere atemberaubende Naturschönheiten wie Riesen-Sequoias, die Nase und die Half Dome, Devils Golf Course. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Antonius Dorda zum Lösen der nicht-dynamischen Mittelfeldtheorie unter Verwendung von Matrixproduktzuständen, F. Alexander Wolf, Ian P. McCulloch und Ulrich Schollwck arXiv: 1410.3342 (2014) Abstract Wir lösen die Nichtdynamische Mittelfeldtheorie (DMFT) unter Verwendung von Matrixproduktzuständen (MPS). Dadurch können wir viel größere Badgrößen behandeln und dadurch wesentlich längere Zeiträume (Faktor 2 - 3) erreichen als bei exakter Diagonalisierung. Wir zeigen, dass die Sterngeometrie des zugrundeliegenden Störstellenproblems wesentlich bessere Verhakungseigenschaften haben kann als die bisher bevorzugte Kettengeometrie. Dies hat immense Konsequenzen für die Effizienz einer MPS-basierten Beschreibung allgemeiner Verunreinigungsprobleme: Bei Gleichgewichts-DMFT führt dies zu einer Beschleunigung der Größenordnung. Wir stellen eine Näherung für die zweifache Hybridisierungsfunktion ein, die die zeittranslationale Invarianz verwendet, die nach einer bestimmten Relaxationszeit nach einem Quench zu einem zeitunabhängigen Hamilton-Operator beobachtet werden kann. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Dienstag, 18. November 2014, 14:00 Seminarraum 3. Stock: Johann Potoschnig am Magnetotransport in der Nähe eines quantenkritischen Punktes in einem einfachen Metall, Ya. B. Bazaliy, R. Ramazashvili, Q. Si und M. R. Norman Phys. Rev. B 69, 144423 (2004) Abstract Wir verwenden geometrische Überlegungen, um die Transporteigenschaften, wie die Leitfähigkeit und den Hall-Koeffizienten, nahe dem Beginn einer schachtelgetriebenen Spindichte in einem einfachen Metall zu untersuchen. Besonders motiviert durch neuere Experimente mit Vanadium-dotiertem Chrom untersuchen wir die Variation der Transportkoeffizienten mit dem Einsetzen des Magnetismus innerhalb einer Mittelfeldbehandlung eines Modells, das nahezu verschachtelte Elektronen - und Loch-Fermi-Oberflächen enthält. Wir zeigen, dass die meisten Transportkoeffizienten eine führende Abhängigkeit aufweisen, die in der Energielücke linear ist. Der Koeffizient des linearen Terms kann jedoch klein sein. Insbesondere finden wir, dass die Hall-Leitfähigkeit xy aufgrund der Elektronenlochkompensation im Wesentlichen unverändert bleibt, da das System den kritischen Punkt durchläuft. Diese Schlußfolgerung erstreckt sich auf eine ähnliche Beobachtung, die wir früher für den Fall der vollständig flachen Fermi-Oberflächen auf die unmittelbare Nähe des quantenkritischen Punktes gemacht haben, wo die Verschachtelung vorhanden ist, aber nicht perfekt ist. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Montag, 11. November 2014, 14:00 Uhr Seminarraum 3. Obergeschoss: Manuel Zingl auf der Thermoanlage des Correlated Narrow Gap Semiconductor FeSi und Vergleich zu RuSi von Jan M. Tomczak, K. Haule und G. Kotliar arXiv: 1210.3379 (2012) Abstract Iron Basierte schmalspaltige Halbleiter wie FeSi, FeSb2 oder FeGa3 haben viel Aufsehen erregt, weil sie eine große Thermokraft aufweisen sowie auffällige Ähnlichkeiten mit starken Fermion-Kondo-Isolatoren. Viele Vorschläge wurden vorgebracht, es fehlten jedoch quantitative Methoden, die auf dieses Problem angewendet wurden, ein Konsens blieb bis heute unklar. Hier verwenden wir realistische Berechnungen mit vielen Körpern, um die Auswirkungen von elektronischen Korrelationseffekten auf FeSi aufzuklären. Unsere Methodik erklärt alle wesentlichen Anomalien, die bei FeSi beobachtet werden: die Metallisierung, der Mangel an Konservierung des spektralen Gewichts in der optischen Spektroskopie und die Curie-Suszeptibilität. Insbesondere finden wir eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung für die anomale thermoelektrische Leistung. Durch diese Kongruenz mit dem Experiment bestätigt, diskutieren wir ein neues physikalisches Bild der mikroskopischen Natur des Isolator-Metall-Crossover. In der Tat finden wir die Unterdrückung des Seebeck-Koeffizienten durch eine Korrelation induzierte Inkohärenz getrieben zu werden. Schließlich vergleichen wir FeSi mit seinem iso-strukturellen und isoelektronischen Homologen RuSi und prognostizieren, dass partiell substituiertes Fe (1-x) Ru (x) Si eine erhöhte Thermokraft bei Zwischentemperaturen zeigt. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Dienstag, 4. November 2014, 14:00 Seminarraum 3. Stock: Irakli Titvinidze auf indirektem Magnettausch in einer und höheren Dimensionen von Andrej Schwabe, Irakli Titvinidze und Michael Potthoff Phys. Die magnetischen Grundzustandsmerkmale des periodischen Anderson - und Kondo-Gittermodells mit einer regelmässigen Abreicherung der korrelierten Stellen werden mittels verschiedener theoretischer und numerischer Ansätze analysiert. Wir betrachten das Modell auf der eindimensionalen Kette und auf dem zweidimensionalen Quadratgitter mit Sprung zwischen den nächsten Nachbarn. Bei halbem Füllmaterial und mit korrelierten Verunreinigungen, die an jeder zweiten Stelle vorhanden sind, sind die verarmten periodischen Anderson - und Kondo-Gittermodelle die einfachsten Systeme, bei denen die indirekte magnetische Kopplung, die durch die Leitungselektronen vermittelt wird, ferromagnetisch ist. Wir diskutieren die zugrunde liegende elektronische Struktur und die möglichen Mechanismen, die zu einer ferromagnetischen Fernordnung führen. Zu diesem Zweck werden verschiedene numerische und analytische Konzepte auf den abgereicherten Anderson und auch auf das verwandte verarmte Kondo-Gitter angewendet und mit einander kontrastiert. Dazu gehören numerische Ansätze wie die Hartree-Fock-Theorie, die Dichte-Matrix-Renormalisierung und die dynamische Mittelfeldtheorie sowie analytische Konzepte, nämlich eine Variante des Lieb-Mattis-Theorems, das Konzept des Flachbandferromagnetismus und perturbative Ansätze, Dh der effektive RKKY-Austausch in der Grenze von schwach und der inverse indirekte magnetische Austausch in der Grenze der starken Kopplung zwischen dem Leitungsband und den Verunreinigungen. Schließlich untersuchen wir auch die Robustheit des ferromagnetischen Zustands für endliche Temperaturen und weg von der Halbfüllung. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Priyanka Seth auf frequenzabhängige lokale Wechselwirkungen und energiesparende Modelle aus elektronischen Strukturberechnungen von F. Aryasetiawan, M. Imada, A. Georges, G. Kotliar, S Biermann und AI Lichtenstein Phys. Rev. B 70, 195104 (2004) Abstract Wir schlagen ein systematisches Verfahren zum Aufbau effektiver Modelle von stark korrelierten Materialien vor. Die Parameter, insbesondere die vor Ort geschirmte Coulomb-Wechselwirkung U, werden aus den ersten Prinzipien unter Verwendung der Zufallsphasen-Approximation berechnet. Wir geben für den frequenzabhängigen U (w) einen Ausdruck ab und zeigen für den Fall von Nickel, daß sein hochfrequentes Teil einen signifikanten Einfluß auf die Spektralfunktionen hat. Wir schlagen ein Schema zur Berücksichtigung der Energieabhängigkeit von U (w) vor, so dass ein Modell mit einer energieunabhängigen lokalen Wechselwirkung weiterhin für energiesparende Eigenschaften genutzt werden kann. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Dienstag 21. Oktober 2014, 14:00 Uhr Seminarraum 2. Stock: Christopher Albert auf dem Space. Die letzte Grenze. Dies sind die Reisen der Raumschiff-Voyager 1. Ihre fortgesetzte Mission: Erforschen Sie seltsame neue Welten. Neues Leben zu suchen neue Zivilisationen. RB Decker, EC Roelof, Mich Hill, TP Armstrong, G. Gloeckler, DC Hamilton und LJ Lanzerotti Science 34 6142, 144-147 (2013) von LF Burlaga, NF Ness und EC Stone Science 34 6142, 147-150 (2013) von EC Stone, AC Cummings, FB McDonald, BC Heikkila, N. Lal und WR Webber Science 34 6142, 150-153 (2013) Abstract Wir berichten von energetischen ( 40 Kiloelektronen Volt) geladenen Teilchen auf dem Voyager 1 von der Grenzfläche zwischen der Helioscheide, beherrscht durch das erwärmte Solarplasma und dem lokalen interstellaren Medium, von dem erwartet wird, dass es kaltes nichtolares Plasma und das galaktische Magnetfeld enthält. Teilchen des Sonnenursprungs bei der Voyager 1, die sich bei 18,5 Milliarden Kilometern (123 astronomische Einheiten) von der Sonne befinden, verringerten sich am 25. August 2012 um einen Faktor 3 von 10, während die der galaktischen Herkunft (kosmische Strahlen) gleichzeitig um 9,3 anstiegen. Intensitätsveränderungen traten zuerst für Teilchen auf, die sich in azimutaler Richtung bewegten und von denen gefolgt wurden, die sich in radialer und antiradialer Richtung in Bezug auf den Sonnenradiusvektor bewegen. Diese unerwartete heliosphärische Abreicherungsregion kann Teil der Schnittstelle zwischen Solarplasma und der Galaxie sein. Dank der Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2014, 13:00 Uhr Seminarraum 2. Obergeschoss: Robert Triebl auf BICEP2 I: Nachweis von B-Polarisation an Gradwinkelskalen, von BICEP2 Kooperation arXiv: 1403.3985v2 (2014) Zusammenfassung Wir berichten aus dem BICEP2- Ein kosmisches Microwa ve Hintergrund - (CMB) Polarimeter, das spezifisch entworfen ist, um das Signal der inflationären Gravitationswellen im B-Modus Leistungsspektrum um l80 zu suchen. Das Teleskop umfasste ein kaltes, breitstrahles 26-cm-System, das mit einer Brennebene von 512 Antennen-gekoppelten Übergangskanalsensoren (TES) 150-GHz-Bolometern mit jeweils einer Temperaturempfindlichkeit von ca. 300 uk. sqrt (s). BICEP2 beobachtet vom Südpol für drei Jahreszeiten von 2010 bis 2012. Eine niedrige Vordergrundregion des Himmels mit einer effektiven Fläche von 380 Quadratgrad wurde in einer Tiefe von 87 nK Grad in Stokes Q und U beobachtet Beschreiben die Beobachtungen, Datenreduktion, Karten, Simulationen und Ergebnisse. Wir finden einen Überschuss der B-Mode-Leistung über die Grundlinsen-LCDM-Erwartung im Bereich von 30 5. Durch Klinkenprüfungen und Simulationen auf der Basis detaillierter Kalibriermessungen zeigen wir, dass eine systematische Kontamination viel kleiner ist als der beobachtete Überschuss. Wir schätzen auch potenzielle Vordergrundsignale und finden, dass verfügbare Modelle voraussagen, dass diese erheblich kleiner sind als das beobachtete Signal. Diese Vordergrundmodelle besitzen keine signifikante Kreuzkorrelation mit unseren Karten. Zusätzlich wird eine Kreuzkorrelation von BICEP2 gegen 100 GHz-Karten aus dem BICEP1-Experiment erreicht, wobei das Überschuss-Signal mit 3 Signifikanz bestätigt wird und sein spektraler Index mit demjenigen des CMB konsistent ist, was Synchrotron oder Staub bei 2,3 bzw. 2,2 beeinträchtigt. Das beobachtete B-Mode-Leistungsspektrum ist gut durch ein Linsen-LCDM-Tensortheoretisches Modell mit einem Tensorskalarverhältnis r0.200.070.05 geeignet, wobei r0 bei 7.0 ungünstig ist. Das Subtrahieren der besten verfügbaren Schätzung für Vordergrundstaub modifiziert die Wahrscheinlichkeit geringfügig, so daß r0 bei 5,9 ungünstig ist. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Freitag 13. Juni 2014, 10:30 Seminarraum 2. Stock: Aleksey Kolmogorov über Vorhersage und Entdeckung exotischer Materialien mit evolutionärer Suche, 1 A. N. Kolmogorov, maise-guide. org (2009) 2 A. G. Van Der Geest und A. N. Kolmogorov, CALPHAD, 46 184 (2014) 3 H. Gou, N. Dubrovinskaia, E. Bykova, AA Tsirlin, D. Kasinathan, A. Ric hter, M. Merlini, M. Hanfland, AM Abakumov, D. Batuk, G. (1999) 4 AN Kolmogorov, S. Shah, ER Margine, AK Kleppe und AP Jephcoat, PRL 109, 075501 (2012) 5 AN (1999) Abstract Auf der Suche nach neuen phononvermittelten Supraleitern haben wir kürzlich die umfangreichste ab initio-Analyse von Metallborid abgeschlossen Werkstoffe. Eine Kombination von Hochdurchsatz-Screening, gezielter evolutionärer Suche 1 und rationalem Design wurde eingesetzt, um über 12.000 relevante M-B-Kandidatenmaterialien zu untersuchen. Dutzende von synthetisierbaren brandneuen Strukturen oder Verbindungen wurden unter Umgebungs - und erhöhten Drücken identifiziert. Einige der Vorhersagen wurden bereits in gemeinsamen Experimenten 3-5 bestätigt. Sie entdeckten Materialien umfassen einen unerwarteten Phonon-vermittelten Supraleiter auf Fe-Basis und ein überraschend komplexes Hochdruckpolymorph von CaB6. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, 13:00 Uhr Seminarraum 2. Obergeschoss: Gerhard Unger auf Numerische Methoden für Eigenwertprobleme mittels Konturintegration Abstract Numerische Methoden für Eigenwertprobleme mittels Konturintegration haben kürzlich viel Aufsehen erregt. Diese Methoden eignen sich zur Approximation aller Eigenwerte (und aller damit zusammenhängenden Eigenvektoren) eines Eigenwertproblems innerhalb einer gegebenen Kontur in der komplexen Ebene. Das Grundprinzip dieser Methoden ist, dass der invariante Teilraum (Spanne von Eigenvektoren), der auf die Eigenwerte innerhalb einer gegebenen Kontur bezogen ist, durch Verwendung des Integrals über die Kontur der Resolvente dargestellt werden kann. Eine effiziente Approximation solcher Konturintegrale ist durch übliche numerische Quadraturschemata möglich, z. G. Durch die zusammengesetzte Trapezregel. Eine wichtige Variante dieser Verfahren kann als eine Rayleigh-Ritz-Methode angesehen werden, bei der das Eigenwertproblem auf den approximierten invarianten Teilraum projiziert wird, der durch die Konturintegration des Resolvents berechnet wird. Ein Vorteil dieser Variante gegenüber einer Krylov-Methode ist die bessere und einfachere Skalierbarkeit auf parallelen Rechnerarchitekturen. In meinem Vortrag werden die Grundprinzipien numerischer Methoden für Eigenwertprobleme, die auf Konturintegration basieren, eingeführt und die Rayleigh-Ritz-Typvariante beschrieben. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, 13:00 Uhr Seminarraum 2. Obergeschoss: Martin Ganahl über die Charakterisierung topologischer Ordnung durch das Studium der Grundzustände auf einem unendlichen Zylinder von L. Cincio und G. Vidal PRL 110, 067208 (2013) Abstract Mit einem mikroskopischen Gitterhamilton-Operator Für eine topologisch geordnete Phase schlagen wir einen numerischen Ansatz zur Charakterisierung seines emergenten Anyonmodells und in einer chiralen Phase auch seine lückenlose Randtheorie vor. Zuerst wird durch numerische Optimierung eine Tensornetzwerkdarstellung eines vollständigen orthonormalen Satzes von Grundzuständen auf einem Zylinder unendlicher Länge und endlicher Breite erhalten. Jeder dieser Grundzustände wird behauptet, ein unterschiedliches Durchflussmittel durch den Zylinder zu haben. Dann wird eine quasi-orthogonale Basis auf dem Torus durch Abschalten und Wiederverbinden der Tensor-Netzwerkdarstellung auf dem Zylinder erzeugt. Aus diesen beiden Basen und unter Verwendung einer Anzahl früherer Ergebnisse, insbesondere des jüngsten Vorschlags von Y. Zhang et al. Phys. Um die modularen U - und S-Matrizen zu extrahieren, erhalten wir (i) eine vollständige Liste von beliebigen Typen i, zusammen mit (ii) ihren Quantenmaßen di und der Gesamtquantenabmessung D, (iii) (Iv) ihre gegenseitige Statistik, wie sie in den off-diagonalen Einträgen Sij von S kodiert wird, (v) ihre Selbststatistik oder topologische Spins i, (vi) die topologische zentrale Ladung c des anyon-Modells und, In einer chiralen Phase (vii) das niederenergetische Spektrum jedes Sektors der Grenzkonformellen Feldtheorie. Als konkrete Anwendung untersuchen wir das hartkernige Boson-Haldane-Modell unter Verwendung der zweidimensionalen Dichtematrix-Renormalisierungsgruppe. Eine gründliche Charakterisierung seiner universellen Volumen - und Kanteneigenschaften zeigt eindeutig, dass es einen 12-bosonischen fraktionalen Quanten-Hall-Zustand realisiert. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Johannes Pototschnig über Subjektive Wahrscheinlichkeit und Quantensicherheit von Carlton M. Caves, Christopher A. Fuchs und Rüdiger Schack arXiv: quant-ph0608190Abstract Im Bayesschen Ansatz der Quantenmechanik werden Wahrscheinlichkeiten - - und damit Quantenzustände - repräsentieren Agenten-Grade des Glaubens, anstatt objektive objektive Eigenschaften physikalischer Systeme zu entsprechen. In diesem Papier untersuchen wir den Begriff der Sicherheit in der Quantenmechanik. Insbesondere zeigen wir, wie die Wahrscheinlichkeit-1-Vorhersagen aus reinen Quantenzuständen einen grundsätzlichen Unterschied zwischen unserem Bayesschen Ansatz einerseits und Kopenhagen und ähnlichen Interpretationen andererseits hervorheben. Wir betrachten zunächst die Hauptargumente für die allgemeine Behauptung, daß Wahrscheinlichkeiten immer Grade des Glaubens darstellen. Wir argumentieren dann, dass ein Quantenzustand, der von irgendeinem physikalischen Gerät vorbereitet wird, immer von einem Agenten vorheriger Überzeugungen abhängt, was bedeutet, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit-1 Vorhersagen, die aus diesem Zustand abgeleitet werden, auch von den Agenten vorherigen Überzeugungen abhängen. Quantensicherheit ist also immer eine gewisse Agentensicherheit. Wenn umgekehrt Tatsachen über einen experimentellen Aufbau für einen Messungserfolg eine agentenunabhängige Sicherheit beinhalten könnten, wie in vielen Kopenhagen-ähnlichen Interpretationen, würde dieses Ergebnis effektiv einer bereits existierenden Systemeigenschaft entsprechen. Die Vorstellung, dass Meßergebnisse mit Sicherheit vorkommen, entsprechen bereits existierenden Systemeigenschaften, stehen jedoch im Widerspruch zur Lokalität. Wir betonen dies, indem wir eine Version von einem Argument von Treppen A geben. Treppen, Phil. Sci 50, 578 (1983), die das Kochen-Specker-Theorem auf ein verwickeltes zweipartiges System anwendet. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Georg Huhs auf SIESTA-PEXSI: Massivparallele Methode zur effizienten und genauen Ab-initio-Stoffsimulation ohne Matrixdiagonalisierung von Georg HuhsAbstract Wir beschreiben ein Schema für effiziente großflächige Elektronikstrukturen Berechnungen basierend auf der Kombination der Polexpansion und der selektierten Inversionsmethode (PEXSI) mit der SIESTA-Methode, die numerische Atomorbitale im Rahmen der Kohn-Sham-Dichtefunktionaltheorie (KSDFT) verwendet. Die PEXSI-Technik kann das Sparsity-Muster der Hamilton - und Überlappungsmatrizen, die in SIESTA erzeugt werden, effizient ausnutzen, und für große Systeme weist sie eine viel geringere Rechenkomplexität auf als die Matrixdiagonalisierungsprozedur. Die PEXSI-Technik kann die Elektronendichte, die freie Energie, die Atomkräfte, die Dichte der Zustände und die lokale Dichte von Zuständen auswerten, ohne einen Eigenwert oder Eigenvektor des Kohn-Sham-Hamilton-Operators zu berechnen, und eine Genauigkeit, die mit der aus der Matrixdiagonalisierungsprozedur erhaltenen Genauigkeit vergleichbar ist Allgemeine Systeme, einschließlich metallischer Systeme bei niedriger Temperatur. Das PEXSI-Verfahren ist ebenfalls hochskalierbar, wobei die kürzlich entwickelte massiv parallele PEXSI-Technik eine effiziente Nutzung von mehr als 10.000 Prozessoren auf Hochleistungsmaschinen ermöglicht. Wir demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit und Genauigkeit der SIESTA-PEXSI-Methode unter Verwendung von zahlreichen elektronischen Strukturberechnungen wie 1D, 2D und Massenproblemen mit isolierendem, halbmetallischem und metallischem Charakter. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Manuel Zingl auf Spin-Dichte-Wellen im Hubbard-Modell - ein DMFT-Ansatz von Robert Peters, Norio Kawakami arXiv: 1403.4315Abstract Wir analysieren Spin-Dichte-Wellen (SDWs) im Hubbard-Modell Auf einem Quadratgitter im Rahmen der inhomogenen dynamischen Mittelfeldtheorie (iDMFT). Dotierung des halbgefüllten Hubbard-Modells führt zu einer Veränderung des antiferromagnetischen Neel-Zustands, der genau bei halber Füllung vorliegt, zu einer Phase von inkommensuraten SDWs. Frühere Studien dieser Phase beruhen im Wesentlichen auf statischen Mittelfeldberechnungen. In diesem Papier werden wir große iDMFT-Berechnungen verwenden, um Eigenschaften von SDWs im Hubbard-Modell zu untersuchen. Ein großer Vorteil von iDMFT gegenüber statischen Mittelfeldansätzen ist die Integration von lokalen Screening-Effekten und der leichte Zugang zu dynamischen Korrelationsfunktionen. Darüber hinaus ist diese Technik nicht auf das Hubbard-Modell beschränkt, sondern kann leicht verwendet werden, um inkommensurate Phasen in verschiedenen stark korrelierten Materialien zu studieren. Dank Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull und ITPcp zur Unterstützung. Markus Aichhorn zur Solarenergieumwandlung und Lichtemission in einer Atommonolayer-Pn-Diode von Andreas Pospischil, Marco M. Furchi und Thomas Müller Naturnanotechnologie (2014) Abstract Die Einschränkungen von Die gegenwärtig in elektronischen Bauelementen eingesetzten Bulk-Halbleitern, ein hohes Gewicht und eine hohe Kostenfestigkeit haben vor kurzem die Forschungsanstrengungen auf zweidimensionale Atomkristalle1 wie z. B. Graphen 2 und atomar dünne Übergangsmetalldichalkogenide3, 4 verschoben. Diese Materialien haben das Potential, kostengünstig hergestellt zu werden In großen Bereichen unter Beibehaltung hoher Materialqualität. Diese Eigenschaften sowie ihre Flexibilität machen zweidimensionale Atomkristalle für Anwendungen wie Solarzellen oder Anzeigetafeln attraktiv. Die Grundbausteine ​​optoelektronischer Bauelemente sind pn-Übergangsdioden, die aber noch nicht in einem zweidimensionalen Material nachgewiesen wurden. Hier berichten wir über eine pn-Übergangsdiode auf Basis einer elektrostatisch dotierten Wolframdiselenid - (WSe2) - Monoschicht. Wir präsentieren Anwendungen als Photovoltaik-Solarzelle, Photodiode und Leuchtdiode und erhalten Lichtstrom - und Elektrolumineszenz-Wirkungsgrade von jeweils 0,1. Given recent advances in the large-scale production of two-dimensional crystals6, 7, we expect them to profoundly impact future developments in solar, lighting and display technologies. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Thursday March 20 2014, 13:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Georg Winkler on Defining and detecting quantum speedup , by Troels F. Ronnow, Zhihui Wang, Joshua Job, Sergio Boixo, Sergei V. Isakov, David Wecker, John M. Martinis, Daniel A. Lidar and Matthias Troyer arXiv:1401.2910 (2010) see also Evidence for quantum annealing with more than one hundred qubitsAbstract The development of small-scale digital and analog quantum devices raises the question of how to fairly assess and compare the computational power of classical and quantum devices, and of how to detect quantum speedup. Here we show how to define and measure quantum speedup in various scenarios, and how to avoid pitfalls that might mask or fake quantum speedup. We illustrate our discussion with data from a randomized benchmark test on a D-Wave Two device with up to 503 qubits. Comparing the performance of the device on random spin glass instances with limited precision to simulated classical and quantum annealers, we find no evidence of quantum speedup when the entire data set is considered, and obtain inconclusive results when comparing subsets of instances on an instance-by-instance basis. Our results for one particular benchmark do not rule out the possibility of speedup for other classes of problems and illustrate that quantum speedup is elusive and can depend on the question posed. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Wednesday March 12 2014, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : general discussion on We will fix this year schedule and dates. , Abstract We present surprising experimental evidence regarding the past of photons passing through an interferometer. The information about the positions through which the photons pass in the interferometer is retrieved from modulations of the detected signal at the vibration frequencies of mirrors the photons bounce off. From the analysis we conclude that the past of the photons is not represented by continuous trajectories, although a common sense analysis adopted in various welcher weg measurements, delayed-choice which-path experiments, and counterfactual communication demonstrations yields a single trajectory. The experimental results have a simple explanation in the framework of the two-state vector formalism of quantum theory. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday January 24 2014, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Robert Triebl on Wild swarms of midges linger at the edge of an ordering phase transition , by A. Attanasi, A. Cavagna, L. Del Castello, I. Giardina, S. Melillo, L. Parisi, O. Pohl, B. Rossaro, E. Shen, E. Silvestri and M. Viale arXiv:1307.5631Abstract The most notable hallmark of collective behaviour in biological systems is the emergence of order: individuals polarize their state, giving the stunning impression that the group behaves as one. Mating swarms of mosquitoes and midges, however, do not display global order and it is therefore unclear whether swarms are a true instance of collective behaviour or a mere epiphenomenon of the independent response of each insect to an environmental stimulus. Here, we experimentally study wild swarms of midges by measuring their susceptibility, namely the capability to collectively respond to an external perturbation. The susceptibility is way larger than that of a noninteracting system, indicating the presence of strong coordination, and it increases sharply with the swarm density, a distinctive mark of an incipient ordering phase transition. We find that swarms live at the near-critical edge of this transition, suggesting that their size and density are tuned to maximize collective response. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Abstract What can you do with the Raspberry Pi, a 35 computer the size of a credit card All sorts of things If youre learning how to program, or looking to build new electronic projects, this hands-on guide will show you just how valuable this flexible little platform can be. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday January 10 2014, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Christopher Albert on Sustainable Energy without the hot air Energy Storage , by David MacKay withouthotairAbstract The public discussion of energy options tends to be intensely emotional, polarized, mistrustful, and destructive. Every option is strongly opposed: the public seem to be anti-wind, anti-coal, anti-waste-to-energy, anti-tidal-barrage, anti-fuel-duty, and anti-nuclear. We cant be anti-everything We need an energy plan that adds up. But theres a lack of numeracy in the public discussion of energy. Where people do use numbers, they select them to sound big, to make an impression, and to score points in arguments, rather than to aid thoughtful discussion. My motivation in writing Sustainable Energy - without the hot air (available both on paper, and for free in electronic form withouthotair) is to promote constructive conversations about energy, instead of the perpetual Punch and Judy show. Ive tried to write an honest, educational and fun book.2 I hope the book will help build a cross-party consensus in favour of urgently making an energy plan that adds up. Sustainable Energy - without the hot air presents the numbers that are needed to answer these questions: How huge are Britains renewable resources, compared with our current energy consumption How big do renewable energy facilities have to be, to make a significant contribution How big would our energy consumption be if we adopted strong efficiency measures Which efficiency measures offer big savings, and which offer only 5 or 10 Do new much-hyped technologies such as hydrogen or electric cars reduce energy consumption, or do they actually make our energy problem worse Wherever possible, I answer these questions from first principles. To make the numbers comparable and comprehensible, I express all energies and powers in a single set of units: energies are measured in kilowatt-hours (the same units that you see on your electricity bills and gas bills, costing 10p a pop), and powers are measured in kilowatt-hours per day, per person. Everyday choices involve small numbers of kWh per day. If I have a hot bath, I use 5 kWh of energy. If I were to drive from Cambridge to London and back in an average car, I would use 130 kWh. Let me give you three examples of what we learn when we work out the numbers. First, switching off the phone charger. I think I first heard this idea from the BBC, the idea that one of the top ten things you should do to make a difference to your energy consumption is to switch off the phone charger when you are not using it. The truth is that leaving the phone charger switched on uses about 0.01 kWh per day. This means that switching the phone charger off for a whole day saves the same energy as is used in driving an average car for one second. Switching off phone chargers is like bailing the Titanic with a teaspoon. Second, hydrogen for transport: all hydrogen-powered transport prototypes increase energy consumption compared to ordinary fossil-cars whereas electric vehicles are significantly more energy efficient than fossil-cars. So hydrogen vehicles make our energy problem worse, and electric vehicles make it better. Third, here are the numbers for wave power. We often hear that Britain has a huge wave resource. But how huge is the technical potential of wave power compared with our huge consumption If 1000 km of Atlantic coastline were completely filled with Pelamis wave machines, the average power delivered would be 2.4 kWh per day per person. That is indeed a huge amount of power: but todays British total energy consumption is on average 125 kWh per day per person. (Thats for all forms of energy: electrical, transport, heating - not just electricity.) So a country-sized wave farm would deliver an average power equal to 2 of our current power consumption. Im not saying we should not invest in wave power. But we need to know the truth about the scale of renewables required. This message applies, sadly, to almost all renewables in Britain (wind, tide, photovoltaics, hydroelectricity, biofuels, for example): to make a substantial contribution, renewable facilities have to be country-sized. And this is perhaps the most important message: the scale of action required to put in place a sustainable energy solution. Even if we imagine strong efficiency measures and smart technology-switches that halved our energy consumption from 125 kWh per day per person to 60 kWh per day (which would be lower than the per-capita consumption of any developed country today), we should not kid ourselves about the challenge of supplying 60 kWh per day without fossil fuels. Among the low-carbon energy supply options, the three with the biggest potential are wind power, nuclear power, and concentrating solar power in other peoples deserts. And here is the scale that is required if (for simplicity) we wanted to get one third from each of these sources: we would have to build wind farms with an area equal to the area of Wales we would have to build 50 Sizewells of nuclear power and we would need solar power stations in deserts covering an area twice the size of Greater London. Of course Im not recommending this particular mix of options there are many mixes that add up and a more detailed story would discuss other technologies such as clean coal with carbon capture and storage (as yet, unproven) and energy storage systems to cope with fluctuations of supply and demand. Whatever mix you choose, if it adds up, we have a very large building task. The simple windnuclearsolar mix I just mentioned would involve roughly a hundred-fold increase in wind power over 2006 3, and a five-fold increase in nuclear power 4 the solar power in deserts would require new long-distance cables connecting the Sahara to Surrey, with a capacity 25 times greater than the existing England-France interconnector. Its not going to be easy to make a energy plan that adds up but it is possible. We need to get building. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday December 20 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Johann Pototschnig on Prevented Mortality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Historical and Projected Nuclear Power , by Pushker A. Kharecha and James E. Hansen Environ. Sci Technol. 2013, 47 (9), pp 4889-4895Abstract In the aftermath of the March 2011 accident at Japans Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the future contribution of nuclear power to the global energy supply has become somewhat uncertain. Because nuclear power is an abundant, low - carbon source of base-load power, it could make a large contribution to mitigation of global climate change and air pollution. Using historical production data, we calculate that global nuclear power has prevented an average of 1.84 million air pollution-related deaths and 64 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent (GtCO2-eq) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that would have resulted from fossil fuel burning. On the basis of global projection data that take into account the effects of the Fukushima accident, we find that nuclear power could additionally prevent an average of 420 0007.04 million deaths and 80240 GtCO2-eq emissions due to fossil fuels by midcentury, depending on which fuel it replaces. By contrast, we assess that large-scale expansion of unconstrained natural gas use would not mitigate the climate problem and would cause far more deaths than expansion of nuclear power. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday December 20 2013, 13:15 : 13:15 PART I seminar room 2nd floor: Andreas Martitsch on Introductory discussion about Positron physics (material research related) , Basic tutorial. 14:00 PART II lecture hall P2: Prof. Dr. Peter Mascher on Insight into Nanostructured Materials with Positrons Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday December 06 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Christoph Heil on Superconductivity III: , Unconventionsl Superconductivty , by M. R.Norman arXiv:1302.3176, (2013)Abstract A brief review of unconventional superconductivity is given, stretching from the halcyon days of helium-3 to the modern world of Majorana fermions. Along the way, we will encounter such strange beasts as heavy fermion superconductors, cuprates, and their iron-based cousins. Emphasis will be put on the fact that in almost all cases, an accepted microscopic theory has yet to emerge. This is attributed to the difficulty of constructing a theory of superconductivity outside the Migdal - Eliashberg framework. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Abstract This is the second part of our three week session on superconductivity. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday November 22 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Anonius Dorda on Superconductivity I: BCS theory , materials: 1) lecture notes: Carsten Timm, Theory of Superconductivity, TU Dresden, chapter 10 BCS theory available at 2) book: Michael Tinkham, Introduction to superconductivity, chapter 3 The BCS TheoryAbstract This is the first part of our three week session on superconductivity. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday November 15 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Manuel Zingl on From Few to Many: Observing the Formation of a Fermi Sea One Atom at a Time , by A. N. Wenz, G. Zrn, S. Murmann, I. Brouzos, T. Lompe and S. Jochim Science 324, 6157, 457-460 (2013) or arXiv:1307.3443Abstract Knowing when a physical system has reached sufficient size for its macroscopic properties to be well described by many-body theory is difficult. We investigated the crossover from few - to many-body physics by studying quasione-dimensional systems of ultracold atoms consisting of a single impurity interacting with an increasing number of identical fermions. We measured the interaction energy of such a system as a function of the number of majority atoms for different strengths of the interparticle interaction. As we increased the number of majority atoms one by one, we observed fast convergence of the normalized interaction energy toward a many-body limit calculated for a single impurity immersed in a Fermi sea of majority particles. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday November 8 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Martin Nuss on Band-dependent Quasiparticle Dynamics in Single Crystals of the Ba0:6K0:4Fe2As2 Superconductor Revealed by Pump-Probe Spectroscopy , by Darius H. Torchinsky, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo, N. L. Wang, and Nuh Gedik PRL 105, 027005 (2010) or arXiv:0905.0678v2Abstract We report on band-dependent quasiparticle dynamics in Ba0:6K0:4Fe2As2 (Tc 37 K) measured using ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy. In the superconducting state, we observe two distinct relaxation processes: a fast component whose decay rate increases linearly with excitation density and a slow component with an excitation density independent decay rate. We argue that these two components reflect the recombination of quasiparticles in the two hole bands through intraband and interband processes. We also find that the thermal recombination rate of quasiparticles increases quadratically with temperature. The temperature and excitation density dependence of the decays indicates fully gapped hole bands and nodal or very anisotropic electron bands. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday October 25 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Max Sorantin on Unveiling the Higgs mechanism to students to students , by Giovanni Organtini available at Eur. J. Phys. 33 1397 (2012) or arXiv:1207.2146Abstract In this paper we give the outline of a lecture given to undergraduate students aiming at understanding why physicists are so much interested in the Higgs boson. The lecture has been conceived for students not yet familiar with advanced physics and is suitable for several disciplines, other than physics. The Higgs mechanism is introduced by semi-classical arguments mimicking the basic field theory concepts, assuming the validity of a symmetry principle in the expression of the energy of particles in a classical field. The lecture is divided in two parts: the first, suitable even to high--school students, shows how the mass of a particle results as a dynamical effect due to the interaction between a massless particle and a field (as in the Higgs mechanism). The audience of the second part, much more technical, consists mainly of teachers and university students of disciplines other than physics. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday October 18 2013, 14:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Martin Ganahl on Bosonisation for beginners refermionisation for experts , by Jan von Delft and Herbert Schoeller Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 7, 4, 225-306 (1998) or arXiv:condMat:9805275Abstract This tutorial review gives an elementary and self-contained derivation of the standard identities (psi eta(x) Feta e, etc.) for abelian bosonization in 1 dimension in a system of finite size L, following and simplifying Haldanes constructive approach. As a non-trivial application, we rigorously resolve (following Furusaki) a recent controversy regarding the tunneling density of states, dos(omega), at the site of an impurity in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid: we use finite-size refermionization to show exactly that for g 12 its asymptotic low-energy behavior is dos(omega) omega. This agrees with the results of Fabrizio and Gogolin and of Furusaki, but not with those of Oreg and Finkelstein (probably because we capture effects not included in their mean-field treatment of the Coulomb gas that they obtained by an exact mapping their treatment of anti-commutation relations in this mapping is correct, however, contrary to recent suggestions in the literature). The tutorial is addressed to readers with little or no prior knowledge of bosonization, who are interested in seeing all the details explicitly it is written at the level of beginning graduate students, requiring only knowledge of second quantization, but not of field theory (which is not needed here). At the same time, we hope that experts too might find useful our explicit treatment of certain subtleties that can often be swept under the rug, but are crucial for some applications, such as the calculation of dos(omega) these include the proper treatment of the so-called Klein factors that act as fermion-number ladder operators (and also ensure the anti-commutation of different species of fermion fields), the i phi(x)retention of terms of order 1L, and a novel, rigorous formulation of finite-size refermionization of both F e and the boson field phi(x) itself. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday October 11 2013, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Journal Club opening about this semester , by Martin Nuss Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday June 28 2013, 11:30 lecture hall P3, 2nd floor : Professor Strinati on Superfluid gap of a fermionic system from the BCS to the Bose-Einstein condensate limit:approach based on a coarse-graining of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations. , Abstract Inhomogeneous superconductors can, in principle, be described in terms of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes (BdG) equations, whose difficult implementation, however, limits their use to a few simple cases in practice. Simplifying features occur close to the critical tempearture, where the BdG equations have been shown long ago by Gorkov to reduce to the Ginzburg - Landau differential equation for the gap parameter of highly overlapping Cooper pairs, which is much simpler to solve than the original BdG equations themelves. In an analogous fashion, more recently it has also been shown that, in the limit of strong inter-particle interaction where non-overlapping composite bosons form out of the constituent fermions, the BdG equations reduce to the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation for composite bosons at low temperature, an equation that has played a major role in the last several years for describing Bose-Einstein condensate of trapped dilute Bose gases. The question naturally arises whether it would be possible to find a generalized non-liinear differential equaton for the gap parameter, that would be able to replace the BdG equation in an extended portion of the coupling vs temperature phase diagram over which the the BCS-BEC crossover from highly overlapping Cooper pairs to dilute composite bosons can occur. Here, a non-linear (LPDA) differential equation for the gap parameter of a superfluid Fermi system is obtained by performing a suitable coarse graining of the BdG equations for any coupling throughout the BCS-BEC crossover and from zero temperature up to the critical temperature, aiming at replacing the time-consuming solution of the original BdG equations by the simpler solution of this novel equation. We perform a favorable numerical test for the practical validity of this new LPDA equation over most the temperature-coupling phase diagram, by an explicit comparison with the full solution of the original BdG equations for an isolated vortex. In addition, the LPDA equation reduces both to the GL equation for highly-overlapping Cooper pairs in weak coupling close to the critical temperature and to theGP equation for dilute composite bosons in strong coupling at low temperature. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday June 14 2013, 11:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Wojciech Czart on Phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties of the Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model: s-wave pairing vs eta-pairing , by W. R. Czart, S. Robaszkiewicz and B. Tobijaszewska Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244, No. 7, 23272330 (2007)Abstract The extended Hubbard model with pair-hopping interaction J, i. e. the so-called Penson-Kolb-Hubbard model, is studied. In the analysis we focus on the properties of the superconducting states with Cooper-pair center-of - mass momentum q 0 (S-phase) and q Q (eta-phase). The evolutions of thermodynamic and electromagnetic characteristics at T 0 and the critical temperatures with interaction parameters and particle concentration are discussed for d-dimensional hypercubic lattices. In the analysis we have used a linear response theory and the electromagnetic kernel has been evaluated within the HFA-RPA scheme. For d 2 SQ lattices the effects of phase fluctuations on the transition temperatures are examined within the Kosterlitz - Thouless (KT) scenario. The KT critical temperatures Tc are calculated and compared with the ones obtained in BCS-HFA, Tp. The plots of Tc versus the inverse square penetration depth are determined. Except for weak coupling limit these plots have a shape similar to the experimental Uemuras plots obtained for various classes of short-coherence length superconductors. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday June 7 2013, 11:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Antonius Dorda on Thermoelectric transport with electron-phonon coupling and electron-electron interaction in molecular junctions , by Jie Ren, Jian-Xin Zhu, James E. Gubernatis, Chen Wang and Baowen Li Phys. Rev. B 85, 155443 (2012)Abstract Within the framework of nonequilibrium Greens functions, we investigate the thermoelectric transport in a single molecular junction with electron-phonon and electron-electron interactions. By transforming into a displaced phonon basis, we are able to deal with these interactions non - perturbatively. Then, by invoking the weak tunneling limit, we are able to calculate the thermoelectricity. Results show that at low temperatures, resonances of the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT occur around the sides of resonances of electronic conductance but drops dramatically to zero at exactly these resonant points. We find ZT can be enhanced by increasing electron-phonon coupling and Coulomb repulsion, and an optimal enhancement is obtained when these two interactions are competing. Our results indicate a great potential for single-molecular-junctions as good thermoelectric devices over a wide range of temperatures. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday May 24 2013, 11:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Christoph Heil on Charge Frustration in a Tringular Triple Quantum Dot , by M. Seo, H. K. Choi, S.-Y. Lee1, N. Kim, Y. Chung, H.-S. Sim, V. Umansky, and D. Mahalu Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 046803 (2013)Abstract We experimentally investigate the charge (isospin) frustration induced by a geometrical symmetry in a triangular triple quantum dot. We observe the ground-state charge configurations of sixfold degeneracy, the manifestation of the frustration. The frustration results in omnidirectional charge transport, and it is accompanied by nearby nontrivial triple degenerate states in the charge stability diagram. The findings agree with a capacitive interaction model. We also observe unusual transport by the frustration, which might be related to elastic cotunneling and the interference of trajectories through the dot. This work demonstrates a unique way of studying geometrical frustration in a controllable way. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Abstract Some subtleties and apparent difficulties associated with the notion of spontaneous breaking of time-translation symmetry in quantum mechanics are identified and resolved. A model exhibiting that phenomenon is displayed. The possibility and significance of breaking of imaginary time-translation symmetry is discussed. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday May 3 2013, 11:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Faruk Geles on Effect of crystal-field splitting and interband hybridization on the metal-insulator transitions of strongly correlated systems , by Alexander I. Poteryaev, Michel Ferrero, Antoine Georges, and Olivier Parcollet Phys. Rev. B 78, 045115 (2008)Abstract We investigate a quarter-filled two-band Hubbard model involving a crystal-field splitting, which lifts the orbital degeneracy as well as an interorbital hopping (interband hybridization). Both terms are relevant to the realistic description of correlated materials such as transition-metal oxides. The nature of the Mott metal-insulator transition is clarified and is found to depend on the magnitude of the crystal-field splitting. At large values of the splitting, a transition from a two-band to a one-band metal is first found as the on-site repulsion is increased and is followed by a Mott transition for the remaining band, which follows the single-band (Brinkman-Rice) scenario well documented previously within dynamical mean-field theory. At small values of the crystal-field splitting, a direct transition from a two-band metal to a Mott insulator with partial orbital polarization is found, which takes place simultaneously for both orbitals. This t Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : general discussion about this semester , by Martin Nuss Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. ransition is characterized by a vanishing of the quasiparticle weight for the majority orbital but has a first-order character for the minority orbital. It is pointed out that finite-temperature effects may easily turn the metallic regime into a bad metal close to the orbital polarization transition in the metallic phase. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Friday April 26 2013, 11:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Markus Aichhorn on Fluctuation driven topological Hund insulator , by Jan Carl Budich, Bjrn Trauzettel and Giorgio Sangiovanni arXiv:1211.3059 (2012)Abstract We investigate in the framework of dynamical mean field theory a two-band Hubbard model based on the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang Hamiltonian describing the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect in HgTe quantum wells. In the presence of interaction, Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : general discussion about this semester , by Martin Nuss Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. we find that a system with topologically trivial non - interacting parameters can be driven into a QSH phase at finite interaction strength by virtue of local dynamical fluctuations. For very strong interaction, the system reenters a trivial insulating phase by going through a Mott transition. We obtain the phase diagram of our model by direct calculation of the bulk topological invariant of the interacting system in terms of its single particle Greens function. Thanks to Basisgruppe Physik, Red Bull and ITPcp for support. Wednesday April 17 2013, 12:45 seminar room 2nd floor : Johann Pototschnig on The Kerr-de Sitter universe , by Sarp Akcay and Richard A Matzner Class. Quantum Grav. 28, 8 085012 (2011)Abstract It is now widely accepted that the universe as we understand it is accelerating in expansion and fits the de Sitter model rather well. As such, a realistic assumption of black holes must place them on a de Sitter background and not Minkowski as is typically done in general relativity. The most astrophysically relevant black hole is the uncharged, rotating Kerr solution, a member of the more general Kerr Newman metrics. A generalization of the rotating Kerr black hole to a solution of the Einsteins equation with a cosmological constant was discovered by Carter (1973 Les Astres Occlus ed B DeWitt and C M DeWitt (New York: Gordon and Breach)). It is typically referred to as the Kerrde Sitter spacetime. Here, we discuss the horizon structure of this spacetime and its dependence on . We recall that in a 0 universe, the term extremal black hole refers to a black hole with angular momentum J M2. We obtain explicit numerical results for the black holes maximal spin value and get a distribution of admissible Kerr holes in the (, spin) parameter space. We look at the conformal structure of the extended spacetime and the embedding of the 3-geometry of the spatial hypersurfaces. In analogy with Reissner Nordstrmde Sitter spacetime, in particular by considering the Kerrde Sitter causal structure as a distortion of the ReissnerNordstrm de Sitter one, we show that spatial sections of the extended spacetime are 3-spheres containing two-dimensional topologically spherical sections of the horizons of Kerr holes at the poles. Depending on how a t constant 3-space is defined, these holes may be seen as black or white holes (four possible combinations). Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Abstract The 1937 theoretical discovery of Majorana fermions--whose defining property is that they are their own anti-particles--has since impacted diverse problems ranging from neutrino physics and dark matter searches to the fractional quantum Hall effect and superconductivity. Despite this long history the unambiguous observation of Majorana fermions nevertheless remains an outstanding goal. This review article highlights recent advances in the condensed matter search for Majorana that have led many in the field to believe that this quest may soon bear fruit. We begin by introducing in some detail exotic topological one - and two-dimensional superconductors that support Majorana fermions at their boundaries and at vortices. We then turn to one of the key insights that arose during the past few years namely, that it is possible to engineer such exotic superconductors in the laboratory by forming appropriate heterostructures with ordinary s-wave superconductors. Numerous proposals of this type are discussed, based on diverse materials such as topological insulators, conventional semiconductors, ferromagnetic metals, and many others. The all-important question of how one experimentally detects Majorana fermions in these setups is then addressed. We focus on three classes of measurements that provide smoking-gun Majorana signatures: tunneling, Josephson effects, and interferometry. Finally, we discuss the most remarkable properties of condensed matter Majorana fermions--the non-Abelian exchange statistics that they generate and their associated potential for quantum computation. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Friday March 22 2013, 11:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Max Sorantin on What if time really exists , by Sean M. Carroll arXiv:0811.3772 (2008)Abstract Despite the obvious utility of the concept, it has often been argued that time does not exist. I take the opposite perspective: lets imagine that time does exist, and the universe is described by a quantum state obeying ordinary time-dependent quantum mechanics. Reconciling this simple picture with the known facts about our universe turns out to be a non-trivial task, but by taking it seriously we can infer deep facts about the fundamental nature of reality. The arrow of time finds a plausible explanation in a Heraclitean universe, described by a quantum state eternally evolving in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Friday March 08 2013, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : Christoph Heil and Martin Nuss on Shedding light on the pairing mechanism in iron-based superconductors , by Christoph Heil, Markus Aichhorn, Heinrich Sormann, Ewald Schachinger and Wolfgang von der Linden see for example arXiv:1210.2593 (2012) Abstract Whether superconductivity in iron-pnictides and - chalcogenides stems from local or itinerant effects is a question still debated on. In order to investigate the influence of Fermi surface nesting on the pairing mechanism, we calculate from first-principles calculations the static and dynamic susceptibility of various iron-based compounds. We show that the susceptibility depends sensitively on doping and pressure application and confront our theoretical results with conclusions drawn from experiments. For instance, our results give evidence that pairing through Fermi-nesting mechanisms alone is not sufficient to explain the evolution of the transition temperature with pressure in FeSe. A variational cluster approach to strongly correlated quantum systems out of equilibrium , by Martin Nuss, Enrico Arrigoni and Wolfgang von der Linden see for example Phys. Rev. B 86, 245119 (2012) Abstract The theoretical understanding of the non-equilibrium behavior of strongly correlated quantum many - body systems is a long standing challenge, which has become increasingly relevant with the progress made in the fields of molecular-and nano - electronics, spintronics, spectroscopy or quantum optics and simulation. We report on the development of non-equilibrium cluster perturbation theory, and its variational improvement, the non-equilibrium variational cluster approach for steady-state situations. Both methods are based on the Keldysh Greens function technique which allows accessing single particle dynamic quantities. These flexible and versatile techniques can in principle be applied to any fermionic bosonic lattice Hamiltonian, including multi-band and multi-impurity systems. We present results for the steady-state of molecular nanoscopic devices under bias including the effects of electron-electron interactions and magnetic fields. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Friday March 01 2013, 12:00 seminar room 2nd floor : general discussion about this semester , by Martin Nuss Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday January 28 2013, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : general discussion about Unconventional Superconductivity from Local Spin Fluctuations in the Kondo Lattice , by Oliver Bodensiek, Rok Zitko, Matthias Vojta, Mark Jarrell and Thomas Pruschke arXiv:1301.5556 (2013) Abstract The explanation of heavy-fermion superconductivity is a long-standing challenge to theory. It is commonly thought to be connected to non-local fluctuations of either spin or charge degrees of freedom and therefore of unconventional type. Here we present results for the Kondo-lattice model, a paradigmatic model to describe heavy-fermion compounds, obtained from dynamical mean-field theory which captures local correlation effects only. Unexpectedly, we find robust s-wave superconductivity in the heavy-fermion state. We argue that this novel type of pairing is tightly connected to the formation of heavy quasiparticle bands and the presence of strong local spin fluctuations. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday January 21 2013, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Werner Dobrautz on Computational Complexity and Fundamental Limitations to Fermionic Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations , by Matthias Troyer and Uwe-Jens Wiese Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 170201 (2005)Abstract Quantum Monte Carlo simulations, while being efficient for bosons, suffer from the negative sign problem when applied to fermionscausing an exponential increase of the computing time with the number of particles. A polynomial time solution to the sign problem is highly desired since it would provide an unbiased and numerically exact method to simulate correlated quantum systems. Here we show that such a solution is almost certainly unattainable by proving that the sign problem is nondeterministic polynomial (NP) hard, implying that a generic solution of the sign problem would also solve all problems in the complexity class NP in polynomial time. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday January 14 2013, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Faruk Geles on Janus-faced influence of the Hunds rule coupling in strongly correlated materials , by Luca de Medici, Jernej Mravlje and Antoine Georges Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 256401 (2012)Abstract We show that in multiband metals the correlations are strongly affected by Hunds rule coupling, which depending on the filling promotes metallic, insulating or bad-metallic behavior. The quasiparticle coherence and the proximity to a Mott insulator are influenced distinctly and, away from single - and half-filling, in opposite ways. A strongly correlated bad metal far from a Mott phase is found there. We propose a concise classification of 3d and 4d transition-metal oxides within which the ubiquitous occurrence of strong correlations in Ru - and Cr-based oxides, as well as the recently measured high Nel temperatures in Tc-based perovskites are naturally explained. For supplementary information see review: Strong electronic correlations from Hunds coupling, by Antoine Georges, Luca de Medici, Jernej Mravlje, available at: arXiv:1207.3033 (2012) Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday January 7 2013, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Simon Erker on Mott criticality and pseudogap in Bose-Fermi mixtures , by Ehud Altman, Eugene Demler, Achim Rosch arXiv: 1205.4026Abstract We study the Mott transition of a mixed Bose-Fermi system of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice, where the number of (spinless) fermions and bosons adds up to one atom per lattice, nFnB1. For weak interactions, a Fermi surface coexists with a Bose-Einstein condensate while for strong interaction the system is incompressible but still characterized by a Fermi surface of composite fermions. At the critical point, the spectral function of the fermions, A(k, w), exhibits a pseudo-gapped behavior, rising as w at the Fermi momentum, while in the Mott phase it is fully gapped. Taking into account the interaction between the critical modes leads at very low temperatures either to p-wave pairing or the transition is driven weakly first order. The same mechanism should also be important in antiferromagnetic metals with a small Fermi surface. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday December 17 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Markus Aichhorn on Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter IV Strong correlations and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (pg 65-89) , by M. O. Goerbig arXiv:0909.1998This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects. Abstract These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday December 03 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Christoph Heil on Topological insulators from the Perspective of first-principles calculations , by Haijun Zhang and Shou-Cheng Zhang arXiv:1209.6446Abstract Topological insulators are new quantum states with helical gapless edge or surface states inside the bulk band gap. These topological surface states are robust against the weak time-reversal invariant perturbations, such as lattice distortions and non-magnetic impurities. Recently a variety of topological insulators have been predicted by theories, and observed by experiments. First-principles calculations have been widely used to predict topological insulators with great success. In this review, we summarize the current progress in this field from the perspective of first-principles calculations. First of all, the basic concepts of topological insulators and the frequently-used techniques within first-principles calculations are briefly introduced. Secondly, we summarize general methodologies to search for new topological insulators. In the last part, based on the band inversion picture first introduced in the context of HgTe, we classify topological insulators into three types with s-p, p-p and d-f, and discuss some representative examples for each type. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday November 26 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Martin Nuss on second part: Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter III Integer Quantum Hall Effect (pg 43-65) , by M. O. Goerbig arXiv:0909.1998This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects. Abstract These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday November 19 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Martin Nuss on first part: Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter III Integer Quantum Hall Effect (pg 43-65) , by M. O. Goerbig arXiv:0909.1998This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects. Abstract These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday November 12 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Martin Ganahl on Quantum Hall Effects, Chapter II Landau Quantisation (pg 21-43) , by M. O. Goerbig arXiv:0909.1998This is part one of our three week session on Quantum Hall effects. Abstract These lecture notes yield an introduction to quantum Hall effects both for non-relativistic electrons in conventional 2D electron gases (such as in semiconductor heterostructures) and relativistic electrons in graphene. After a brief historical overview in chapter 1, we discuss in detail the kinetic-energy quantisation of non-relativistic and the relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field (chapter 2). Chapter 3 is devoted to the transport characteristics of the integer quantum Hall effect, and the basic aspects of the fractional quantum Hall effect are described in chapter 4. In chapter 5, we briefly discuss several multicomponent quantum Hall systems, namely the quantum Hall ferromagnetism, bilayer systems and graphene that may be viewed as a four-component system. Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday November 05 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Andreas Martitsch on Mysteries of Astronomy - What Is Dark Energy How Hot Is Dark Matter , by Robert Coontz and Adrian Cho Science 336, 6085, 1090 (2012) The speaker will focus on the first two contributions by Adrian Cho: What Is Dark Energy SHow Hot Is Dark MatterAbstract Endless mysteries lurk in the depths of space. To pare the list down to eight now, theres a challenge. In deciding what to include in this section, Sciences news staff teamed up with Science Associate Editor Maria Cruz and consulted researchers on the Board of Reviewing Editors and elsewhere. From the outset, the team decided that true mysteries must have staying power (as opposed to mere questions that researchers might resolve in the near future). Some of the finalists are obvious shoo-ins others have received less of the popular limelight. The final selection spans the entire history of the universe on scales ranging from our sun and its planetary system to the entire cosmos. Each mystery is sure to be solved largely through astronomical observations if it is solved: In at least one case, experts arent sure that a seemingly simple question will ever be answered. (What Is Dark Energy. How Hot Is Dark Matter. Where Are the Missing Baryons. How Do Stars Explode. What Reionized the Universe. Whats the Source of the Most Energetic Cosmic Rays. Why Is the Solar System So Bizarre. Why Is the Suns Corona So Hot) Thanks to Red Bull for sponsoring. Monday October 22 2012, 12:30 seminar room 2nd floor : Prof. Bernhard Schnizer on Stark-Zeemann-Effect in the HyperfineStructure of AlkaliAtoms. Level Crossings, Avoided Level Crossings, Geometric Phase: Theoretical investigations on the Stark-Zeeman effect of the 2p 2P32-level in 6Li for perpendicularly crossed fields , by E. Roessl, B. Schnizer, and M. Musso Eur. Phys. J. D 37, 187-200 (2006)Abstract The splitting behaviour of the 2p 2P32 hyperfine structure levels is investigated in 6Li for homogeneous crossed electric and magnetic fields (Stark-Zeeman effect). This is done by diagonalizing the perturbation matrix comprising the hyperfine interaction, the electronic and nuclear magnetic interaction and the effective electric interaction obtained by transforming the quadratic Stark effect to a first order perturbation interaction. Symmetries are used to find analytic formulae for level shifts and crossing points if only one external field is present. A reflection symmetry unbroken with all three interactions present permits the decomposition of the 12 12 matrix into two 6 6 submatrices. The structure of energy eigenvalue surfaces IFMF (B, E) of the two subsystems is found by numeric diagonalization of the perturbation matrix and is displayed in the ranges B Stay Up to Date With Whats Happening

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